Myopia Action Month now on offering FREE seminars, courses, resources and more: Get involved here.

Myopia Action Month now on: Get involved here.

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Review stars
4.86 (44)

Myopia Management Made Simple

Get across the evidence, clinical steps, prescribing decisions and communication for best-practice myopia management.

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Review stars
5.00 (1)

Visual Environment in Myopia Made Simple

Identify risk factors and learn how outdoor time, near work or screen time influence myopia, with clinical recommendations.

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Review stars
4.50 (2)

Spectacles for Myopia Management Made Simple

Understand the evidence, new designs, efficacy and visual outcomes and prescribing decisions in myopia control spectacles.

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Soft Contact Lenses for Myopia Management Made Simple

Learn about the newest designs, evidence, prescribing, communication and outcomes with soft myopia control contact lenses.

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Atropine for Myopia Management Made Simple

Get the overview on atropine evidence, concentrations, combinations, safety, prescribing pathways, communication tips and long-term management.

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Ortho-k for Myopia Management Made Simple

Explore ortho-k candidates, lens design, topography basics, candidates and getting started for successful myopia correction and control.